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英語研究プロジェクトCase Study 14

I wanna visit to Kyoto.


I’m gonna visit to Kyoto.

Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Now a lot of you are probably thinking there is absolutely nothing wrong with this sentence. But there is.

Let’s come right out with it. We never use the word ‘to’ when we use ‘visit’ as a verb. Remember that’s as a verb - that’s a key point!

It’s as simple as that.

But here is the important part. Why don’t we use ‘to’ with the verb ‘visit’?

Let’s look at the reasons in more detail



So first things first. I want you to think about the word visit

It can be used as both a noun and a verb

When you are using ‘visit’ as a verb, think of it in this way - the word ‘to’ is already included in the meaning.

When we use the more simple words like 'come' and 'go' then we almost always use ’to.’

We went to the supermarket for groceries.

My friend came to my house for a cuppa.


Please remember that when you are using the verbs ‘go’ and ‘come’ you only use ‘to’ when you have a definite location.

What I mean is that we never use ‘to’ for here and there.

How come? Because here and there are similar to the verb VISIT. They already include the nuance of the word ‘to.’



So what’s the solution to this problem?

Well the easiest way is to stop using ‘to’ when we use ‘visit’ as a VERB.

However you can also use this phrase


In this case visit is being used as a noun and the verb is pay.

That means we can use the word ‘to.’

I’m going to pay a visit to my friend.

I want to pay a visit to the Art Gallery.

She paid me a visit when I was unwell.

I really must pay a visit to my gran.

We paid a visit to my father’s grave.

It’s slightly more formal than the simple ‘visit’ but I think it’s an absolutely lovely expression that everyone should use more often.



Let's take a look at 5 example sentences.

(1) A couple of police officers paid our office a visit this afternoon. We’re all dying to know what it was about.

‘Dying to’ means I really, really want to do something.

(2) Where are you visiting from?

We’re from Scotland. How about you? Whereabouts are you from?

The word 'whereabouts' is again, a lovely word that just means ‘where’ or 'in which area.'

(3) If you are ever back in Japan, you must make sure to pay us a visit. We’d love to have you.

The verb ‘have’ means to let someone stay in your house for a while. 'It was great having you.'

(4) I can’t wait to visit my friend's new house. From what I gather, it’s got all the mod cons.

All the 'mod cons' means all the modern conveniences - like a heated floor, hi-tech security system, touch panel interphone - that kind of thing. This is a particularly British expression, as far as I know.

(5) I just have to pay a visit to the little boys’ room. Got to spend a penny!

The little boys' room is a slightly old-fashioned way of referring to the restroom. For ladies, you can say the 'the little girls' room.' Additionally, 'spend a penny' means to relieve yourself when you've had too many cups of tea.



The next time you go to say 'visit to,' think again and try and use one of the phrases that were introduced in this case study. Please watch the VIDEO LESSON on YouTube!

Thanks for reading!

a cuppa (a cup of tea)





dying to (do)




from what I gather


all the mod cons


the little boys' room


spend a penny


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